Wednesday 4 April 2012

How come

How come you don't drink?
Why do you never come out clubbing?
You don't sleep with your girlfriend/boyfriend! Why?

. . . . . . Because I'm a Christian 

These things do not make us Christians, they are simply choices we made when we came face to face with God's Grace.

Is it any wonder our non Christian friends have no idea what it is to follow God or who God is!
Ive noticed (and I'm guilty of it too) that we tell our friends the reason that we don't do stuff is because we are Christians but this is a lie. We don't do stuff because we choose too, WE Choose.
That's why we have left soo many different views of God on the world. 
We all have a personal relationships with God and because of the impact he has and continues to have on our hearts and our head we each live life differently.
For some he calls them not to drink 
For others he calls to a life of singleness
But one thing that is TRUE is that God came gave his son to the earth that is filled with sin, that he would die to save us from the righteous wrath of God but more than that he would rise, defeat death, so that we could have relationship with him!  

When it comes to following Christ, accepting God's gift of grace WE have no say. there was no choice or decision to be made. 
When you come face to face with something so beautifully intoxicating you can't say No
There is not even the option of choosing because you know that this is what life is about .

So lets be honest lets not tell people about our choices because most of the time they end up being wrong
lets start to tell the truth that we have met a beautiful saviour who flipped everything upside down and gave us the greatest gift of all and because of this we cant help but do thing his way because our way, really, is just plain boring

Life is more than getting wasted, having sex and being cool.
Well I'm pretty sure he's show exactly what your life is all about no need for me to say another word

Monday 2 April 2012


So I'm driving along tonight ......
then the thought came to me that if God so willed my car could flip, crash and that could be the end of me, quite a morbid thought but an interesting one.
You see when I am driving I feel so in control, like nothing or no one or any great force could impact me because I've got the wheel I know the next couple of moves. I control where I go, what speed I go at and what time I go. 
I look around & I see all the other people in their own little cars feeling exactly the same way I do.
I see pedestrians walking along and they look so weak, like they could be broken by the slightest force but me in my car I am invincible.... or so I think.
I take a drive through town and all of my memories come flooding back to me but in my car I am alone and there are no memories its just me and my car going from place to place and it doesn't seem as exciting.
Then I drive along the coast and before I realise it I've stopped 
I see the sea and the lights reflecting of the water
its dark 
It feels a bit scary but something urges me to get out of my own little box 
and so I do 

STRAIGHT away the I feel the crisp air
the darkness around me is cold but is feeels amazing 
Fresh, Vibrant, New yet so familiar
I feel the light breeze move through my hair 
I have forgotten what it feels like to have something move me other than i myself
I hear the water and I have an urge just to go and touch it 

Then I realise that life is so much better when we get out of our boxes and FEEL
When we get out and do life with people 
When we are not in control 
We get walk, run , jump, dance, move.
We feel cold air, we get warm and feel the sun on out skin
We sing.... badly, we hug, we kiss 
WE Love 

so get out of your box start walking it may make you weaker but life will be uncontrollable 

John 1:16
And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace 

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly