Monday 25 July 2011

Beautiful Bangor

I had to share some of these 
God is so incredibly Beautiful....

Sunset times in Bangor sooo Pretty 

Playing at the Swings

I Love Living by the Sea

Steps <3

Thursday 21 July 2011


So I just read Joel and how Awesome is God!!!

Here is a little overview (but you have to read it yourself too!!)
So disaster has come,
people are sick & dying,
a nation is broken
Locusts have destroyed everything in hours
For these people God is punishing them....
disaster has come and they cant find God anywhere...
Joel in this time has to tell these people who God is and how he acts

Joel acknowledges the damage the Locusts have caused
but he calls the people to repent..."for the day of the Lord is near"vs15

He describes the Day of the Lord and
how this nation must return to the Lord

"Return to the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful 
 slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love" (Amen to that!!)

Then (and here is the greatness of God)
"The Lord became jealous for his land
and had pity on his people"

Then the Lord come and does great things among the nation
Trees bear fruit,
the harvest is great and the people rejoice!

"You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the 
name of the Lord your God
who has dealt wondrously with you"

Then the Lord talks about how he will pour out his Spirit and of the glorious future of Judah

I Love reading the old testament and how the people of God forget time and time again the goodness and richness of God.
But I also love it because it helps me see how so often I pray and ask God for stuff and he answers and provides. Then when troubles come I forget about his faithfulness and when I think he is not listening I try and form my own silly human Plan B which has FAIL written all over it from the start.

I also love that God became Jealous, Who are we, man, that God would be mindful of us Jealous for us, would want relationship with us! Stupid and fickle humans who have nothing to offer him, yet he is jealous for us and has pity on us. Let us always thank God for his mercy!

There is so much I love about the book of Joel but one last thing I want to share is that God knew that these people needed him and so he gave them Joel, who he filled with his Spirit to go into the land and tell then about his goodness and faithfulness! God always has a way that we would know him, repent of our sin to him and rejoice with him.
He does all the work and we do Nothing  

Let us rejoice with Our God today!!


Tuesday 19 July 2011

psalm 19

Prayer for Today

Let the words of my mouth
The meditation of my heart
   be acceptable in your sight,
   O LORD,
My  Rock
My Redeemer.

Father of All

I have a part time job in the local shopping centre
Tonight a little girl was in shopping with her Mummy
shopping for school stuff.
She was the cute as a button and as she was picking her school bag and lunch box she kept asking her Mummy will Daddy like this?
Will Daddy think this cool?

My Dad tells me often that when I was younger he would come home from work, we would play a little then he would sit down to have his dinner. He said he used to buy these pizzas and they were so good you can't get them anymore but they tasted amazing! So amazing that Dad refused to share, even with Mum but every time he had this pizza I would come prancing over and just stand at his side and he would cave and give me a bite so I would go away and eat my little bit of pizza then as soon as I was finished I would prance over once again to see if I could sneak some more...and every time I got a bit. You see although my Dad loved this pizza he could help but share it with me every time I would come along.

This just reminded me of my relationship with God, because he is a Father! The bible describes him as one and that is the relationship we have with him. It can be hard to understand but that is why we have our own earthy Fathers so we could see how this relationship works.

I know in my walk with God I want to please him, I wanted like the little girl for him to think I am cool. I want him to look at where I am serving and bless it and approve of it.
Just like my Dad I know that I can come to him and every time he will pour out his unceasing and all powerful love over me so that I can go out and tell others, love others and come back and do it all over again.

I'm still learning what it is like to know GOD not only as the King of the heavens but in the intimate relationship as father and child. .... I'm very excited about this part of my Adventure with God

"I and the Father are one" john 10:30

Monday 4 July 2011

Sing to the Lord

 Sing songs to God, sing out!
      Sing to our King, sing praise!
   He's Lord over earth,
      so sing your best songs to God!


I can't stop singing!!