Oh my I haven't written a post in very long time but I guess that is Okies
as I didn't really have anything to share
Over the last month, even the last few weeks, something has been made so clear
to me. Something I was getting so wrong and I thank God that he doesn't just
leave me to continue to get it wrong, instead he shows me in the most loving
way that I am wrong and that this is really how it is meant to look like, act
like or be like.
For the last nine months I have went to my church looking at its faults and
problem and since the church is the people of God I've been looking at how we
as people mess up. I’ve been looking at how my pastors lead our church, how the
women of church do like a good little gossip and how the men are quite happy to
sit and let the ladies lead. How maybe the teaching didn't quite fill me or how
it all seemed a bit fake.(including myself)
So I started reading acts looking at what church was about, how I as a 20
something single girl can serve my church, love my church and most of all find
out what church is REALLY about.
For many months I felt frustrated with church and reluctant to go. I was
reading my bible and not really being able to put the pieces together, how did
church look so different now than in the days of ACTs?
Even when the church in Acts fails and starts to fall apart and not function
as it once did it still looked very different to the experience of church I was
So I continue to look at my church not with the judgemental eyes and hardened
heart I had a few months before. This time I could see that everything was in
place for my church to function like the church in acts except my church just
had it in many different programs
We have shorts for the children in nursery to learn all about God
Which followed in to factory?
Then youth
Then core
Then women together, sates, full house, creative house
And finally for the older members of our church we had RAF (retired and
We also ran alpha courses, membership classes, new convert classes and even house
So really there is SOMETHING for EVERYONE
Despite all this I still felt hungry for more, even though I was serving
in different areas and part of a house group I still wanted more from church I
wanted it to be more than a list of option, more than a Sunday gig. So I
carried on still unsure of what to make of my journey and still unsatisfied
with church.
So its August and a lot is about to change in my life My best friends were
getting married and moving to Cardiff, my house group was ending after four amazing
years, my oldest friend Judith was moving to New Zealand for a Year, my good
friend Sophie found out she was going to China for four months and many other friends
where getting married or going back to uni
And for the first time in a very long time it was clear that things were
changing and God was moving.
My core group of friends had been halved in a few weeks leaving only a few
of us behind.
David my boyfriend (who is just great by the way) was very excited by this,
for the new opportunities and plan that God had for us here in Bangor. I on the
other hand was nervous scared and not really coping very well with the idea of
having to grow up.
It was in this time that God softened my hardened heart and showed me the
meaning of the church.
You see with all these people leaving church became alive again; people
cared and showed their love for the people that were leaving. They prayed and
offered support and this wasn’t down to the many programs this was the love and
joy and peace and passion that god had given these people coming out and
showing itself!
While reading acts I had forgotten what it was about ACTING OUT, showing the
people round you the love and joy and kindness and mercy that God has shown you
and this is church!
In Acts church was the place where people came back to after they were out
on mission. They shared and built up and encouraged one another, they kept each
other accountable and didn’t let people go it alone they went side by side
supporting the widows and families not because they had to but because the love
and mercy God had shown them was contagious they could not do it if they
And when people seen this they wanted to know why and when they found out
about God they wanted to know more about God.
Since this little revelation God has challenged me every time I am in church
to make it personal realise that these people are my family and I not only have
tell them I love them but I have to show them. So that means praying for the
people beside even after they have gone up for prayer, eating together,
encouraging the people around me who are serving, giving people a bit more of
my time but most importantly getting intimate with God everyday because that is
the only way I can show true love to these people to my church.
My God's not dead he is ALIVE so my church shall be ALIVE and that means I
have to be DEAD to religion and alive for God, Alive and active in my church not
Fake or pretending but real searching for truth and living each day for God,
getting out of my comfort zone and into the God- zone which is never
comfortable or easy but its where I would rather be.
Very excited about my FAMILY OF GOD
And I do love them very much
I pray God would continue to show me more about church and what it meant to
look like
Oh and please pray for my firends mention who are continuing on their God Adventure else where int he world
We are family joined together by the most precious & pure blood of all
no one can separate us from this love