Thursday 9 June 2011

Does Anybody Know You're a Christian....?

I have been thinking about this topic for a couple of days
It has become too easy for us to hide that Christ is our own and personal savior
We hide behind our Christian quotes and catchy phrases
We hide behind our Church programs and Worship songs But do people outside of church know that we are children of God, do they see God in us…
Not by what we say but by what we do!
This poem has challenged me a lot today, It’s by a group of Christians in America who share the gospel in poetry.. Its pretty awesome

Does anybody even know that you're a Christian... ?

Does anybody even know that you're a Christian?

When you go to your school and your job can anybody tell by your actions that you believe in God? Or can they not tell the difference between what you believe and how you act?
Because you're always at the club with a drink or talking about somebody else behind their back and then when they finally figure out you're a Christian they're talking behind yours
and you wonder why when people look at you, they can't even respect the fact that you're a Christian anymore...

You may be the only example they have. And if they can't tell the difference between your walk, and their walk, then they're not gonna follow God's Path. Does ANYBODY, even know that you're a Christian?
Do people even know that the God in you is there? When somebody who doesn't believe in God loses somebody their family, do they even think to go to you in prayer, because they don't know where else to go?

And if not, then since when did Christ become you're own personal secret for no one else to know?

Are you serious???

Jesus Christ didn't get stretched out on the cross for no testimony to be mysterious because, solid testimonies have never saved souls?
Yet our testimonies lay low, and we wondering why the world is raising hell?
Alot of Christians are too worried about other people's opinions, and too busy try to save ourselves.
I don't know what's worse. Nobody knowing I'm a Christian, or the only people knowing that I'm a Christian are the people in my church
Does anybody know that you are a Christian?
Are you letting his life shine through?
And if not, then how many times will you continue to deny Jesus, before he DENIES YOU!

K. Turner

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