Wednesday 29 June 2011

Hello, How are yoou?

 If only there were someone to mediate between us,
   someone to bring us together,  
someone to remove God’s rod from me,
   so that his terror would frighten me no more.
Job 9:33-34

I had a tea date today with the lovely Leah Glover and we were discussing the book of Job. So often it is written off as quite a dark book but there is so much glorious truth in there. So I decided to have a wee read and I came across Job9.

I've never really thought about my sin in its fullness, never have I thought I would be an enemy of God but in my persistent sinful state I have am the reason for the wrath of God. Because of my sinfulness I can not be in the presence of a Holy God. Instead I am guilty and totally deserving of his wrath.
When we fully understand what we deserve, which is Nothing more than the wrath of God we can no longer stand proud and tall instead we should be filled with fear and trembling knowing that even death would be a lighter punishment.

You see Job knows that who God is, is better than any earthly thing he could every want and need while also realising that he is totally sinful, and totally not in reach of the gloriously life that God offers. So he pleads for a mediator someone that could connect him to God together. Someone that could pay the debt of his sin because he will always be in debt to God for his sin is constant.

God in his mercy and grace provides a way, he sends a mediator in the form of a man, a man so unique that only he could pay the debt of sin. But this was no ordinary man this was the son of God, no sacrifice would cover the sin of the world greater than the blood of the son of the almighty.

Thank God that he sent a mediator in Jesus, that he heard the prayer of Job and that he is a gracious God

So when people ask how I am?
I will say Better than I deserve

Much Love

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