Tuesday 21 June 2011

Ignoring Grace

I have just started reading “Living the Cross centred life” by C.J Mahaney. As I read the first few chapters I couldn’t take my mind off one of the points made In the Introduction

What is my life centred on or around?

 My Church? My Friends? My Relationship 

I knew that if I were to say Jesus It would be a lie

As I read on it talked about the possible reasons why we feel living a Cross centred life is so hard or not Important.

But out of all the points there was one that stood out:
“Being focused on our sin rather than on God’s grace”

I do this! I focus on myself all the time. I know I am a wretched sinner but do I believe God’s Grace Is bigger, stronger and more powerful than my sin? 

If I believed this I would not count my sin, I would not look at it as such a barrier to God. If I fully understood God’s Grace I would see that his love is not conditional not based on what I say or do and in some cases what I don’t say or do. 

Instead I would look at God’s grace as the beautiful gift that it is. I would learn that love was never meant to be conditional, life with God is not bound by my sin but because of my sin I can fully comprehend the enormity of this gift.

Instead of looking at my sin, instead of making it greater than God’s grace, I thank God my eyes have been opened that his grace bought with the precious blood of his son. Who is the centre of life and will continue to be the centre of my life.

In the words of John Scott
The cross is the blazing fire at which the flame of our love is kindled, but we have to get near enough for it sparks to fall on us

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