Tuesday 7 June 2011

Judgment & Forgiveness

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Luke 23: 34

Some of the Last words that Jesus said and I can’t get them out of my head. All week when I have become angry and frustrated with certain things, which often happens and usually never has anything to do with me, these words have been ringing in my hears.

As Jesus is on the cross beaten, bruised and dying he says this prayer for the people that have done this too him. As they continue to mock him he say “father forgive them”.

How many times has Jesus had to say that on my behalf as I judge, as I gossip, as I hurt people? For some reason I think that if I am being honest and open that this is me loving people but it isn’t because my nature is sinful. It does not naturally want to love, encourage and build up. It wants to find fault, it points out that I am better than my brothers and sisters, that there are people far worse than me out there. I listen to my own lies that I am a good person, that people should live the way i live. In the presence of God I see the real me.

The more I let the spirit lead instead of me, the more I see that I am a bad person, sinful to the core, totally unworthy to know God, to be saved by his grace and to be covered with the blood of his son.

And when I see who I really am I have no other option but rest in his grace.
Who am I to judge those around me?
Why does it take me so long to forgive for even the littlest thing?

God has definitely shown me how wrong I am in my idea of love but instead of showing me the wrath I deserve he comes along side me and he LOVES me, with real love. A love I don’t even understand but it completely covers me.

So instead of judge I will Love

Instead of gossip I will Pray

Instead of it being about me let it everyday be about Jesus

Instead of Loving God for what he has done for me I will Love God for WHO he is!

Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide  never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother  Romans 14:13

Much love

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